You have come to the right place to advance advocacy and awareness for people with dwarfism and disability. I’m not only eager to share my writings, but I’m also keen to get your input. In addition, to reader comments there will be opportunities for guests to post blogs or videos sharing their ideas and experience.
Click on the menu to discover all that’s available. Subscribe to the blog for a weekly post delivered to your inbox. When you do you will receive a sample chapter from PASS ME YOUR SHOES which released in October 2020.
Looking forward to exploring the world of advocacy and awareness with you. Feel free to invite others along for the ride.
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Blog Highlights
LPA, Awareness
Dual Donahue Dialogue Differences

by Angela Van Etten
August 9, 2021
A two-time guest of Phil Donahue, the father of daytime talk shows, I appeared on August 8, 1984 in Chicago and October 12, 1989 in New York City. In 1984, a producer asked Robert Van Etten, president of Little People of America (LPA), to name panelists; in 1989, a producer invited me to join a panel based on my many media interviews resisting dwarf
Disability Rights
Ask the Author About “Always an Advocate”

by Angela Van Etten
August 2, 2021
What is the book about?
A demonstration of advocacy’s power to end discrimination and disrespect towards people with dwarfism and other disabilities in volunteer leadership, entertainment, public transportation, public buildings and facilities, emergency operations, voting,
Little People of America
Measure Up for Independence

by Angela Van Etten
July 5, 2021
Independence is highly valued and celebrated by nations, people groups, and individuals. For some, independence relates to coming of age and, for others, it’s a prolonged struggle with many battles along the way. For people with dwarfism, independence in the built environment is a prolonged and ongoing
Dwarf Tossing Throwback

by Angela Van Etten
March 8, 2021
Dwarf tossing masquerades as a ‘sport’ when barroom bullies compete for prize money awarded to whoever throws a dwarf the farthest. From 1985 to 2012, it was like a perennial weed and you never knew who would sow the seeds—a newspaper columnist, a bar owner, a business promoter, a dwarf wanting to be tossed, a radio