When Billy Barty founded Little People of America (LPA) in 1957, little did he know it would spawn dozens of LP organizations world-wide. As a result, his October 25th birthday is recognized as International Dwarfism Awareness Day. I join the global celebration with the release of PASS ME YOUR SHOES: A Couple with Dwarfism Navigates Life’s Detours with Love and Faith.
In 1981, when I traveled from New Zealand to the United States on a Winston Churchill Fellowship in the International Year of ‘Disabled Persons,’ I never dreamed that seven months later I would marry Bobby Van Etten.
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In my Fellowship study of American disability civil rights laws and public education programs designed to improve attitudes towards people with disabilities, Bobby was 1 of the 40 disability leaders I interviewed. We met at the NZ Embassy in Washington, D.C.
“When Bobby walked towards my desk . . . he was all smiles. For some inexplicable reason my heart beat faster as he got closer to me. I don’t remember a thing he said. I was unnerved by the proximity of his brown eyes gazing directly into mine. We were eye-to-eye because we were the same exact height.” (Pass Me Your Shoes, p. 12.)
This connection was an unplanned part of my Fellowship research! When people ask me if it was love at first sight I say, “No, it took two weeks.”
Our union attracted international media because Bobby was President of LPA and I was President of Little People of New Zealand (LPNZ). Bobby also gave a keynote address to LPNZ on United Nations Day (October 24). A United Press International headline paralleled our wedding to Prince Charles and Princess Dianna who married a few months earlier. “‘Royalty’ of Little People Exchange Wedding Vows.” And the LPA Today September issue reported, “The sun will never set on little people.”
Thankfully our marriage took a different path than the royals, but has not been without complications. However, on this international day of celebration I thank God for the blessing of our international adventures:
- Meeting Little People from eight countries at the first international Little People conference in Washington, D.C. (1982)
- Attending an LPA national conference in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (1985)
- Speaking at the conference of the Restricted Growth Association (the English equivalent of LPA) in Worthing, West Sussex, England (1990)
- Australian media coverage of “Dwarfs Don’t Live in Doll Houses” (1992)
- New Zealand media coverage of my keynote speech at the annual CCS conference attended by NZ Little People (1992)
- Attending numerous receptions at LPA national conferences to welcome international guests with dwarfism
- Our friendships with many parents who adopted LP children from various countries around the world
- Meeting Billy Barty at the LPA 25th anniversary conference in Reno, Nevada (1982).

LPA Officers
From the left:
Billy Barty, Founder
George Baehm, Vice President
Robert Van Etten, outgoing President
Mary Carten, President elect
Now it’s your turn. Please comment on how you became aware of dwarfism in other countries.
And for another way to further your awareness, buy Pass Me Your Shoes: A Couple with Dwarfism Navigates Life’s Detours with Love and Faith at Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, Books a Million or other retailers. For more information, go to my website at https://angelamuirvanetten.com/

Angela Muir Van Etten, a dual citizen of New Zealand and the United States, qualified as a lawyer in both countries and served as national president of both Little People organizations. As a professional, Angela has written law books for lawyers and religious liberty articles for nonlawyers. Disability advocacy was her focus when employed by a Center for Independent Living and volunteering for LPA. Press in Australia, Canada, Germany, New Zealand and the United States have interviewed Angela about her writing and advocacy pursuits.
Jet-Ski Contest (open from October 26 to November 7th midnight)

Enter the jet-ski contest to win a $25 digital Amazon Gift Card.
Write a comical photo caption of 10 words or less for this vacation photo of Angela and Robert on a jet-ski in Myall Lakes, New South Wales, Australia.
Email your caption to angela@angelamuirvanetten.com with the subject line: jet-ski caption contest
Angela’s sister Deborah (standing in the pic) will choose the funniest caption. Look for the announcement of the winner on my website at https://angelamuirvanetten.com on November 9th.