The celebration of National Book Lovers Day on August 9th started me thinking about the outtakes cut from a draft manuscript to manage book length. Readers miss out on engaging material. But authors often save the outtakes for later use. This post includes a few outtakes from “Pass Me Your Shoes.”
Bobby hesitated to set our wedding date on October 31st because itwas Halloween. I convinced him it wouldn’t be an issue because New Zealand doesn’t celebrate Halloween. Although there was no hint of Halloween on our wedding day, I didn’t think about our wedding anniversary being in America on Halloween every year thereafter. Now we have to find a way to avoid getting caught up in the annual celebration of superstition and occult themes.
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One summer we encountered an access problem that was resolved through ingenuity not confrontation. We were sleeping in a friend’s guesthouse when a persistent, high-pitched noise woke us. We finally identified the smoke detector on the ceiling as the culprit. It was time to change the battery! There was no escaping the noise and it would have been an assault on our host’s hospitality to call him at one o’clock in the morning. We had to solve this problem on our own.
It was an involved process. We dragged the dining room table to the bedroom door, tilted it on end and maneuvered it through the doorway without gauging a hole in the wall. We set the table back on its legs and lifted a chair onto the table. Robert climbed onto the table and then onto the chair. I held the chair while Robert disconnected the battery. Sleep was now possible.
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Robert was excited when his niece asked if her cat, Kendall, could live with us. All he had to do was convince me. It’s not that I dislike cats so much as they make me sneeze and I don’t like getting pawed or scratched. I agreed for Kendall to move in on two conditions: (1) Robert take full responsibility for all Kendall’s needs; and (2) the bedroom would be off-limits.
Kendall had everything going for him: personality, gorgeous fur, amazing eyes, and a contortionist’s ability to squeeze into unlikely places. There was one big problem—Kendall refused to use the litter box. Robert consulted cat lovers and tried three different box designs and litter types. However, after three weeks of Kendall toileting anywhere but in the litter box, Robert couldn’t take it anymore. He found him a home with a devoted lover of Himalayan Persian cats.
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Chocolates for a Little People of America fundraiser were being delivered to our address. But the truck driver could not navigate our community without churning up lawns and breaking sprinkler heads. So Robert met the driver outside the gate. He was amazed to see a huge semi-truck and trailer and dumbfounded when the driver opened the back door. Our few boxes of chocolate were the only cargo!
And for the whole story, read the second book in my dwarfism memoir trilogy, “PASS ME YOUR SHOES: A Couple with Dwarfism Navigates Life’s Detours with Love and Faith,” https://angelamuirvanetten.com/pass-me-your-shoes/.