A positive COVID test, difficulty breathing, losing consciousness, getting my clothes cut off, and a midnight birthday serenade by ER staff were not how I imagined starting my 70th birthday. Instead of gathering around a dinner table with cake and candles in Sydney Australia, my family gathered in the ER waiting room for news whether I would live or die. They had good reason for concern—hypoxia (low oxygen), bluish skin (cyanosis), a double load of carbon dioxide and lactic acid in my blood, and GCS 3 on the Glasgow Coma Scale (incoherent talk). I classified as a “crashing” patient.
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The first thing I remember hours after my brother-in-law Rob carried me down the stairs on the way to the hospital, was hearing the word “intubation.” Although I was saying “no,” the decision not to intubate had already been made. Thankfully, a specialist had previously rejected this ventilation method. I speculate that my sister Deborah’s disclosure of my dwarfism type contributed to understanding that intubation came with the risk of cutting off my airway.
Fervent prayers were offered on my behalf and God graciously answered when an ER team of eight stabilized me. I was assigned an isolation (negative pressure) unit in the ICU. Among other treatments, a BiPAP machine pushed air into my lungs to improve the blood oxygen level.

Fully alert on the morning of my 70th birthday, I was cut off from typical communication lines. The wall clock was hidden behind the nonfunctioning TV screen and I had no phone, computer, or Bible. All I could do was sit quietly like a well-loved fish in a bowl looking out through the glass at the workstation of my one-on-one nurse.
I contemplated my first bout with COVID and the unraveling of birthday plans:
- Cancelled family dinner.
- Scrubbed trip to New Zealand.
- COVID restrictions on interaction with people.
Despite extreme disappointment, I knew God doesn’t make mistakes! He made this clear when He walked beside me every step of the way:
- Caring ICU visits from Deborah and my brother Greg fully garbed in personal protective equipment.
- Covering medical expenses with my travel insurance policy.
- Enjoying slices of an indulgent, chocolate birthday cake.
- Limiting my hospitalization to two nights and three days.
- Using credit from my cancelled flight to New Zealand for my matron of honor to visit me in Sydney instead of me visiting her in Christchurch.
- Celebrating the birthday of my friend from kindergarten days.
- Saving one week to savor Sydney sights.
Within days of returning home to Florida, a head injury from a fall required another ER visit. Hospital Chaplain Bob prayed with me and played a hymn favorite, “Great is Thy Faithfulness,” on his harmonica. My confidence in God’s faithfulness was twice confirmed. First by the lyrics—
“Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!”—
and second by the source of the lyrics in Lamentations 3:22-23. (Providentially these verses were in my August 27 Sunday School lesson.)
God’s protection and timing are perfect!
For more of my writings, go to https://angelamuirvanetten.com where you can subscribe to my weekly blog and find retail links to my dwarfism memoir trilogy.
15 replies on “Crashing Into My 70th Birthday”
Happy to know that you are back home in Florida. God is certainly looking out for you.
So sorry to hear of the head injury Angela. We are praying for you in NZ and hoping you recover quickly. You’ve had more than enough challenges lately. God bless you heaps.
Very Happy to hear you are back in Florida. Glad you had family supporting you in Australia.
So very thankful for your recovery from both situations! God certainly was watching over you!
What a story, Angela. Certainly know your friends and family here in Florida were praying for you as well. Those of us that stayed with Robert specially felt the hand of the Lord healing you quickly and providing you perseverance during that difficult time. Our best laid plans sometimes change and we are reminded He is really in control.
Belated Birthday Blessings. Am sure you didn’t plan on such a “monumental” adventure to usher in your 70th, but God does demonstrate His faithfulness in surprising and unexpected ways. Thankful you are home. Hug yourself for me! xo
Oh my Angela, God has certainly been with you the last few months. He sure is GREAT!. Wishing you belated Happy Birthday and do hope this year ahead is filled with love and good health. God will always be with you.
God’s not done with you yet Angela! Glad you made it through all the difficulties!
Wow, you have been through it! So glad you’re on the road to recovery. Happy 70th! Best, Leslye
Awful! You certainly could “celebrate” your BIG BIRTHDAY a better way! Please get well!
Love you and wishing you a Happy 70th and many many more!
Happy Belated 70th Birthday Angela. Sorry it wasn’t what you were planning but glad you are back home safe and sound. Positive thoughts, Prayers, and healing energy being sent your way.
And now (they say things happen in threes) you are faced with a hurricane! All the best at this scary time. Thinking of you with love.
Dianne in NZ xx
Happy belated Birthday Angela, so glad you have survived such an eventful 70th! You will be glad to be safely home at last! Much Love Sue and Geoff xxx ps hope the hurricane pass you by, life can be just too full of adventure sometimes!
Just catching up on your blogs today. So very thankful to God that He brought you through all this… and for your faith and witness to His love. Happiest of birthdays to you, dear Angela. Praying this year is full of “new mercies” and graces as God continues the good work He has begun in you. Lots of love from your family in Charlotte.