My 39-year marriage to Robert has defied the odds in two respects. According to United States Census Bureau data, the marriage rate for people with disabilities is much lower than for the general population and the divorce rate is much higher.
After a whirlwind romance, God closed the 8,500 mile distance that separated us in two different countries. And when our marriage hit the wall after 12-years, God intervened to help us work through our problems in marriage counseling.
We share our story to encourage others and to remember what God has done for us.
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“Remember His wonders which He has done,
His marvels and the judgments spoken by His mouth,”
Psalms 105:5. New American Standard Bible
Over the years we’ve celebrated our anniversaries in various ways—dinner out, flowers, jewelry—but the one constant has been exchanging anniversary cards. And despite my desire to declutter, I can’t toss the 80 anniversary cards I’ve saved since our first anniversary in 1982!
“Love is a touch, tender with care,
a meaningful look, secrets to share . . .
Love is excitement, a joy ever new,
love is a faith that dreams can come true.”
Hallmark (1982)
On several anniversaries, I placed cards from prior years in unlikely places around the house for Robert to find. I thought it was fun to surprise him with a card in the refrigerator, a dresser drawer, or wherever he didn’t expect it. But Robert was unimpressed with what he viewed as recycled cards. The addition of a new card each year didn’t erase the memory of the one and only year I forgot and gave him a card from the year before.
On our tenth anniversary in 1991, since we didn’t have an engagement ring, we added a ruby eternity ring to my wedding ring finger. As Robert wrote in his card to me:
“It’s been ten marvelous years having you at my side in the good ones and the difficult ones. . . through our marriage we have grown stronger and closer to Christ . . . you have made a positive change in my life.”
As we faced down uncertainty in both our careers on our 15th anniversary, we shared an American Greetings card:
“Time may change a lot of things in our lives, but one thing it can never change is the way I feel about you. . . with every passing year you become more beautiful and precious to me. Today and always my heart belongs to you.”
And here’s to closing with some beautiful one liners:
“If I could go back in time to before we met I’d look for you and find you sooner so I could love you longer.” Sunrise Greetings (2012)
“I always thank God for your love.” American Greetings (2013)
“I found the one my heart loves.” Song of Solomon 3:4 (2014)
“I know we’re right where we’ve always belonged—together.” Hallmark (2017)
“You’re the man I’d marry all over again.” (2018)
“Two hearts together, forever, whatever life brings. Hallmark (2020)
For more writings on our marriage, go to https://angelamuirvanetten.com for retail links to my book, Pass Me Your Shoes: A Couple with Dwarfism Navigates Life’s Detours with Love and Faith and subscribe to my blog for automatic delivery of weekly posts to your email inbox.
2 replies on “Wedding Anniversary Cards”
You are quite the romantic Angela! I like the anniversary card display and the unlikely locations you placed them. Thank you for sharing the ups and downs of your 39 yr marriage. You’ve encouraged me.
Thanks Susan. Good to know our marriage story has encouraged you.