Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. ∞ 1 Peter 4:9 New International Version)
Hospitality is an opportunity to deepen relationships and help one another. It doesn’t take a big, fancy house to share a meal or offer a bed for the night. We learned this as newly-weds in a one bedroom apartment and continue the practice 39 years later in our larger custom-built home.
Membership in Little People of America (LPA) and having family and friends separated by thousands of miles has given us many opportunities to welcome people into our home. In recent times, it also helps that we live in Florida—a great vacation destination and escape from northern winters.
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LPA’s mission—to improve the quality of life for people with dwarfism—is largely achieved through a network of people with short stature, family members, and professionals who support and encourage one another. Hospitality is a big part of how this is achieved. LPA members open their homes for local chapter meetings and welcome those visiting from out-of-town. Churches encourage home fellowships where people are accepted, encouraged, and loved. Families and friends enjoy a special bond maintained by spending quality time together. What better place than in your home?
As Little People with a limited number of steps in our day, my husband Robert and I developed our own brand of hospitality. After a grand tour of our home that includes showing the location of food and supplies, guests are encouraged to make themselves at home and help themselves. In our first year of marriage when we lived in Baltimore, our proximity to Johns Hopkins Hospital allowed us to shelter LPA families of hospital inpatients or outpatients returning for follow-up appointments. The special adaptations we’d made in our apartment also gave parents ideas on how to modify their homes for their child with dwarfism. We also hosted a boys’ weekend retreat when a couple asked us to help their son who was having difficulty adjusting to his size.
Robert organized the boys weekend to include swimming, pizza, a Star Trek movie, and the boys helping to cook breakfast. Billy—the inspiration for the retreat—had started the weekend making excuses whenever he was asked to do something, “because he was the smallest.” Well, in the company of five little people he’d definitely picked a losing argument. By Sunday, Billy’s perspective had improved and he stopped making references to his size. More than 25 years later, we learned that the boys retreat had made a big impression on “Billy.” The revelation occurred at the wedding of Mr. Bill Klein whose bride, Dr. Jennifer Arnold, had been the flower girl at our Florida wedding in November 1981. Who could have imagined that the two children whose lives we separately touched in Florida and Maryland would meet as adults, fall in love, and star on TLC’s reality show, The Little Couple.
Extending hospitality to others has enriched our lives. How have you benefited from giving or receiving hospitality? This post was adapted from Angela Muir Van Etten’s book—PASS ME YOUR SHOES: A Couple with Dwarfism Navigates Life’s Detours with Love and Faith—a new release in October 2020.
8 replies on “Welcome to Our Home”
Loved it, Angela. Always love how you teach and in this case remind us the importance of biblical hospitality. Thank you
Thank you for the encouragement.
What an inspirational post! Love it!
Thanks Juliette.
This post is just expounding how and why you reach out to others. You both are following the example Christ showed us in the Bible. We never know how extending our home to others will benefit them and ourselves. God bless you both!
Thanks Kathryn. It is true, showing hospitality can have a huge impact on people. Makes us think about all the people who showed Jesus hospitality when He did not even have a home of his own to lay His head.
You have illustrated hospitality to me from the very beginning when I met you at the LPA nationals. Your kindness reached out and made me feel welcome.
Thanks Dianna. Please send your question to my email at angela@angelamuirvanetten.com.