September 6th is National Read A Book Day. Who knew? The idea is for people to spend the day reading an enjoyable book which reportedly improves memory and concentration and reduces stress. Older adults who spend time reading are said to slow cognitive decline.
The promoters of Read A Book Day encourage us to sit back, relax and read a book from a featured list of books. But if you’re like me, you already know what you want to read. The books might be sitting on your bookshelf or on your buyer wish list. Whatever the case, I would like to add a book to your recommended reading list—“LOOKING UP: How a Different Perspective Turns Obstacles into Advantages.”
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This is a perfect choice for Read A Book Day because many Amazon customers found it hard to put the book down and some read it straight through in one sitting. It’s a must read as attested by Cherie Blair, Bono, Michael Bloomberg, Scott Harrison, Sheryl Sandberg, Clay Scroggins, and many others.
Michele L. Sullivan is the author of this Harper Collins Leadership book published in February 2020. As the first female President of the Caterpillar Foundation, Michele describes how looking up to people from the vantage of four feet was not just a physical phenomenon, but a leadership practice of elevating the people around her. Michele skillfully intertwines her childhood lessons of embracing her physical differences as a person with metatropic dysplasia, a rare type of dwarfism, with adult lessons of growing on the inside. She credits her parents for teaching her that she was more than her size and that life was not all about her. LPA (Little People of America) helped Michele with self-acceptance and interdependence.
Michele attributes her gift of empathy and compassion shared with foundation beneficiaries, partners and staff around the world to her family and the people she met in LPA and during five summers of orthopedic surgeries and therapy. She introduces the book with her most potent life lesson—learning to expand her view of others saying, “When we learn how to elevate the people around us to discover and champion what’s noble and beautiful and powerful in them we uncover the path of impact in one another’s lives.”
Indeed, Michele successfully passed along this lesson to readers of her book. I agree with the many customers who describe the book as inspirational, but not for the reason you might think. Michele’s story does not inspire people to admire her courage for all that she has endured, but—through laughter, tears, and example—inspires people to change their perspective and to see people for who they are on the inside.
The book is packed full of life changing advice and wisdom about the value in every person, including ourselves. Looking Up is not just the name of a book, but a principle to follow that changes how we see and impact people.
To read more of Angela’s writings, subscribe to her weekly blog at https://angelamuirvanetten.com and coming soon is her own book—PASS ME YOUR SHOES: A Couple with Dwarfism Navigates Life’s Detours with Love and Faith—due to release on October 1st.